

Ten healthy diet and exercise
One simple diet and exercise 30 seconds ,
From the foot first, right from the start with,
One foot, up to the wall and a chair, holding on, please.
Stand up, stretching, standing, one foot into the original,
from the straight, Before, and MASHOU, Knee,
extending the heel in the air, tap, tap on the way,
Up and down quickly,
moving the MASHOU the opposition, legs also.
Next is the leg, before, and it BIWO leg, using the Toes,
as quick up and down above. It BIWO feet, when bent,
they wipe the GITO, shin and muscle, Well,
grow and MASHOU the opposition, legs also.
Next is the arm of the arms, hands, Flower,
on the shoulder, height, raises, Fingertip, well,
extending the arm of the original, and quickly,
Up and down above.
Next is the two arms, but the beam, spread,
little by little, up and down,
Moving the MASHOU the body, left and right,
KATAMUKANAI, to care, with the KUDASAI.
Next is the OSHIRI.
Straight, stand back and side to side, PURIPURI,
little by little, moving the Masu, Shoulders,
and before and after it, OSHIRI, after the ejection,
Knees, songs, No, it, SHIPPO, waving, The images,
OSHIRI, meat only, BURUBURU,.
Next is the shoulder of arms, naturally,
chopped the power, cut, left and right, Shoulders,
alternately, around the swing, face and back, front,
toward the left, Keep up the points.
Next is the two arms of the force,
pulled the side of the TARASHI, every second,
Shoulders, little by little, APPUDAUN, above,
At this time, my back, round, again, today. Next,
the chest is, stand up, stretching, standing,
the arms and body, Forward, under the diagonal, 45,
as the out, Masu, Arm, bust, pinching, such as looking,
arms, closed, Intersection, on the verge of open,
To quickly and repeatedly and MASHOU.
Next, the wrist straight, standing arms to the body,
45 degrees, as the side, outstretched,
palm and the Flower, alternately, In front of the face,
as HIRAHIRA, moving the MASHOU.
The whole arm, twisted, that, please check,
The two arms, under the next obliquely,
for the stretched, it BIDAKEWO hand,
moving Agents, up and down quickly, patter, above.
Life in slow motion healthy diet and exercise First,
a little diet, basically, to talk,.
Diet is healthy, thin, rebounds, no. The first week,
minus 5 to 10 km, such a rapid, Diet, the body,
is a red light, light, Masu. Furthermore,
they are a function of survival, nutrition, body,
the accumulation, System is in operation. As a result,
less thin, easy-to-collection and flabby body, in the event.
the point is impossible without the rhythm of daily life,
I can incorporate a natural place, followed by exercise,
This, the story of the diet, all source, please,
These are very important, because it is,
please remember that.

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