Hello it is ..dieting '.. Hide.
This time, the talked point of dieting :.
It is continuation of the navel, breath, and foot massage.
Both hands are put on the navel repeatedly, and it breathes deeply slowly.
This is done about eight times.
The chyle tank is made soft, it will do in the future, the flow improves by massaging the foot, and it becomes a preparation to accept the lymph.
The surrounding of the belly was angry for a long time, and was used for an idiom mental wicked etc. , and came.
It centers on the navel, it is not mentally good if the condition around the belly is not good, and the Japanese : well.
It is understanding evidence.
It is the does importance especially, joins the lymph in the inside of the body, and is a place, and is a chyle tank.
A variety of evils go out, and come on health and beauty and a mental side if the lymph doesn't flow smoothly in this part.
The navel and the deep respiration are done shall not be go to sleep recently bad if there are a weir that gets irritated, and does easily and felt what.
And, the mind is sure to be abruptly getting loose when warming it by the towel, disposable, and the heating pad's steaming if possible, and coming to the towel.
The navel surrounding is warm, is soft, is always slim, is healthy it, and a secret that becomes an energetic person with a smile.
S in both hands where it massages and it dances first. the part to ..pedate.. and , ..twining.. knee
The body fluid often flows from the under for the up, and the surface is rubbed by the accumulation easily.
Let's rub the right leg, and do the left leg similarly next first.
Each for 30 seconds.
Let's be this time easy from the knee to the part of the applying root of the thigh, massage, and do according to the same points.
Similarly, let's have both feet.
Each for 30 seconds.
Let's rub the end by the accumulation that throws the body fluid from the applying root of the thigh for the navel.
There is an effect that refreshingly makes the foot thin by this, and lightens.
Clothes are not cared about if it is relaxed clothes, and it exists ..what.. either.
However, doing by the person of the bare foot encourages, and is in the foot.
It is feeling easily pushed by the hand.
It is ..alge.. pleasant, and good in and strength a little when becoming accustomed, and coming.
It can abruptly put on boots because in swelling of the foot, there is an immediate effect.
Let's make it to and continuation for three weeks to fat and combustion.
It goes, and it gives it only the favor even by degrees how many.
The more it does, the more effective.
Especially, the navel and the deep respiration are the movements, and that can be done even in case of being standing even in case of sleep though it sits, and it exists.
The navel, it breathes deeply, and being possible to hold have the value done many times.
Because the lower half of the body and becomeing thin such as the thigh, calves, and ankles raise the vicissitude of the body of course by doing the navel, the foot, breath, and the massage
It is easy to become thin, and the constitution and making are achieved, and does overall.
Moreover, because it is made to become to sleep a lot, to activate intestines, and to do, beautiful skin and the effect can be expected, and it do.
Then, it holds out, and it gives it.
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