

Hello it is ..dieting '.. Hide.
This time, the talked point of dieting :.
It can do where, and is a stripe tray, and is dieting always.
Becomeing thin of seven seconds because of the exercise : once.
Power is only put for seven seconds, and the effect is full, and an exercise glad.
It is possible to become a result and a thin constitution.
Last time, those kind of things and these kind of things : in continuation.
It is a hip, and improves, and is physical exercise that can be done also in the office.
It ..chair.. ..waist.. disregards, and the right leg is floated from the floor a little.
Seven seconds applying the heel to a near leg of the chair, and pushing backward.
Let's similarly do the left leg.
If the back of the chair also grips the drip and the plinth by both hands, it stabilizes.
Let's become Cutsu and a hip that pulls, and shut.
It is, a state that becomes, kicks the left leg to the ceiling, and raises it, and a keep for seven seconds.
Let's similarly do the right leg.
The waist is not averted considering the muscle of hips.
Let's pull, and tighten the cheek of hips.
Let's open in breadth of one's shoulders, and put up the knee sleeping in turning up.
It puts out and and seven seconds. the prick of the waist as it is
The waist is good even if it doesn't raise it high so much.
Gutsu and to pull, and to shut, the muscle of hips considers it.
The foot is easily made thin dignifiedly ..,, and the thigh...
The outside of the thigh is pulled, and tightened.
Thigh..below..spend..towel..intersect..have..towel..both sides..think..pull..thigh..open.
Power is put for the outside, and seven seconds.
The hand and the thigh with the towel put power at the same time.
It ..Sheip.. has whole foot with sitting.
Let's spent in the back of both feet, and pull it forward with both ends of the towel with the arm extended.
Oppositely, feet extend, and are seven seconds.
It is effective and, in addition, when the foot is lifted high, and it does.
The foot is lifted, and it ..Sheip.. has the thigh.
It sleeps in turning up, it lifts vertically with the foot intersected, and ..
Power is put, both feet are overlapped strongly, and for seven seconds.
.. of goodness or more ..doing similarly.. ..the floatage... rearrange the foot
Let's have it concentrate consideration on the thigh, and do.

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