
Asitaba_diet_ Alzheimer's_treatment

Asitaba as has been the efficacy
of the Alzheimer type dementia,
Effective prevention and treatment.
Is the key to the nerve growth factor
(NGF: Nerve Growth Factor) Said to be of substance.
NGF is related to the maintenance
of nerve cell protein production,
Cranial nerve function recovery,
and the antioxidant activity in the brain.
However, due to the large amount of NGF molecule
in the blood-brain barrier, It is passed, not.
So small molecular weight substances,
but is expected to use the Unfortunately,
so far none have been found, Issues such as side effects
and is practical to the point. Recent studies,
NGF stimulate the production of this action,
Tomorrow edible chrysanthemum leaves and flowers,
such as zedoary (purple turmeric),
We have close to a plant that has been identified.
In particular, leaves tomorrow is 15 to 20 times
more action to stimulate the production of NGF,
It has been confirmed.
Seri many of the plants contained the compound of four,
Coumarin compounds, one thing is clear-chroman,
The doctor and other foods, is expected to be used.
Tomorrow leaves, rich in fiber. Textile plants
and the five food ingredients訂said,
Human digestive enzymes, not resolved, the overall food,
That. Sources of energy to the good old days,
and do a whole lot, I have been told,
the recent carbohydrate, lipid, protein, Vitamins,
minerals after the sixth nutrients said to be so,
The most important thing is that, by the discovery.
TOKERU fiber in water, "water-soluble dietary fiber,
" Water insoluble "insoluble dietary fiber,"
divided into the Soluble fiber as a major work,
the lower the level of blood sugar, Lower cholesterol,
arteriosclerosis and the prevention of gallstones,
Enteric bacteria to increase the good guys are making.
Insoluble fiber, such as work to relieve constipation,
These are the substances cancer,
it will be eliminated from the body,
Very important work. Dietary fiber,
vegetables and beans, and includes a lot of seaweed.
Such fiber is a good job,
If you eat a lot of good and I think,
but, Excessive intake of supplements
and can cause diarrhea.
So with water, draining precious minerals
in the Conversely and mineral deficiency that may be,
need attention.
The amount of daily intake goals, 20 g adult men,
adult women and about 17 g. Tomorrow leaves
and other vegetables contain fiber,
and take advantage of, A healthy body,
under the asitaba healthy diet, Seek.

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