Yogurt diet I ever heard, to do Easy to do, I listen.
Lack of time and money, pour 1 leprosy yogurt,
I put this?
Fasting, but I do. Yogurt.
Once a month,Weekends only effect is perfect.
Fasting to accustom weekend, the good thing there.
CHOTTO, from the preamble, acknowledged.
During the past few decades,
the modern diet changed significantly.
24-hour convenience stores,
restaurants and the ATARIMAE.
Anytime, anywhere,
even when they want to eat and I thought,
like, Age can eat now, but this is convenient,
Require intestinal own head than the body
it is an undesirable situation, Also create soup.
Our ancestors era, no food were not unusual.
Therefore, the extra energy, stored as fat,
Less food and ingenuity to maintain life, and has been.
The food situation has changed now,
the body is similar to what I ate,
Laboriously visceral fat and subcutaneous fat as a reserve.
As a result, obesity and lifestyle diseases,
it is connected with the errors.
So, too much work to the rest of the bowels,
to reset the body's functioning,
Restore the original thin tendency
can be Petit fasting diet of yogurt.
GI Normally, in 48 hours, Kara,.
The two-day (48 hours) to take yogurt and water,
The body of accumulated toxins out of the fasting points.
Only a dime alone,
fasting diet system,
the muscles needed for the body to drop, Rebound,
it gets invited, This way, only to reduce visceral fat,
dieting necessary, Vitamins, minerals, protein,
can also take it. And the short period of two days,
and people are busy weekend will be able to use.
Yogurt reason to use the good bacteria
in the intestine that FUYASU, Intestinal environment,
in order to improve, it is essential, Good bacterium,
called enteric bacteria. Stress and aging,
and many other reasons,
that do ill, Advantage tilted bad bacteria in the intestine,
yogurt and lactic acid, Bifidobacteria,
good bacterium advantage to change the formula.
Next, include yogurt, protein and minerals minutes,
Without losing muscle,
fat burning nutrients necessary
for the safety compensates for the Healthy diet,
you can. Finally, we need some chewing yogurt,
Ate the brain, giving a feeling of satisfaction,
stress hungry, YAWARAGE me, IUMASU.
During the fasting day,
about 2 L of the carbonated drink water.
Stimulate metabolism and the number of toilets
and FUERU sweating,
Toxins to be firmly off the water supply is plenty mess.
Carbonated water is a common gastrointestinal state,
and want the feeling of fullness also obtained.
Temporary state of famine,
NAMAKETA stimulate the body, Usually asleep,
the power of life and pull it. Also sensitive to the taste
and diet change also will be motivated.
Petit fasting diet yogurt to the health of the weekend,
while enjoying the Please run.
Hunger is already from the night before, started there.
Is a light meal, Japanese and the moderate diet, please.
500 g pack of yogurt = 1
100% vegetable juice…… L 2
2 bowls of rice gruel cup…… ……
Carbonated mineral water about 4 L
Miso soup (Ku)…… two servings ……
Moderate amount of lemon juice
Friday night
1 cup elbow minutes without Koo miso soup and rice gruel.
Saturday night day Sunday morning noon
About 100 g yogurt and soy milk (or vegetable juice)
200 to 400 ml
(1, 1.5 to 2 L carbonated water once each drink about 300 ml)
(In addition to fat burning lemon juice up)
Sunday night
1 cup elbow minutes without Koo miso soup and rice gruel.
1, 1.5 to 2 L of carbon per 300 ml of water long sip.
In addition to burning fat lemon juice up
Monday morning
1 cup elbow minutes without Koo miso soup and rice gruel.
Monday noon From here on, always OK No wonder normal diet.
So please work hard.
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