Be slim diet diet.
Site be slim, Number 1 is the lower body.
But how to massage, and hard to lose some weight,
I have experience, you point, and the navel.
First, navel, focus, and deep breaths
and then Foot massage can work wonders on thin legs.
Trial is the first step today.
Centered around the navel
and belly part of the systemic blood 1 / 3 is always flowing,
Important location.
Therefore, the waistline is part of the blood stream,
if the bad blood will roil, in terms of beauty,
such as dull its skin, Trouble is happening.
The metabolism for the worse, harder or thin, or fat.
Also had an impact on the spiritual, there is some trouble,
and frustrating, This part of the blood flow for the worse,
and the belly is tight. In fact,
the night of insomnia patients sleepless belly,
It has been hard.
According to Oriental medicine,
the diagnosis of abdominal examination method,
a belly SAWARI,
Which is part of the KATAI depending on the body
where you feel bad, Examine ways.
How the entire body is healthy for the waistline
or TAISETSU talk show.
Ideally, the state's waistline, the baby's belly.
Soft, but a palm-pressing, though, is a flexible,
That ideal is the state's waistline. Soft because it is right,
in GUNYAGUNYA you. KATAI waistline, you.
Proverb, look for a wife at your face,
but look at the belly, rather about the waistline,
KATAI women, tend to get irritated,
and that many people are GISUGISU.
Women are soft belly, mentally relaxed,
and Many people were friendly.
Therefore, a soft belly up,
what do I do?
Featured is a part of your navel,
deep breaths to conduct hands on the.
Again palms, put on your navel, Press breath and spit,
breathe smoke, a FUKURAMASEMASHOU waistline.
This, as set 1, 7 to 8 sets, perform,
Simple operation of the soft belly is, Feel, relax,. Night,
sleepless and when,
you want to relax, and do it effectively.
in addition to deep breaths to perform foot massage,
as well as blood, Fluid flow that will be good.
Fluid flow in the feet, legs,
under the portion of the gathering,
And pelvic lymph from the intestine to the collection,
merging in one place.
That "cisterna chyli (YUUBISOU)",
located just above the bellybutton,
It joined the lymph lower body, chest, neck and flow,
Ultimately, tap into the vein.
Bellybutton, trustworthy hands, and do deep breathing,
and Cisterna chyli confluence of lymphatic flow
can be active.
Confluence well after the flow of the stream there,
Fluid flow to the lower body and foot massage do well,
So everything is flowing smoothly, Part of the belly,
blood and lymph flow, in addition to better effect,
Swelling of feet of proportion and feet have less advantages.
Of the day,
when you can go, but before I go to bed at night
and perform effectively. Navel, put his hands again,
a deep breath and slowly,
This, 7 to 8 times. Cisterna chyli soft to the foot massage,
Lymphatic, flow well.
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