

Faith, yoga, exercise, and best,
proportion, Effect in exceptional Best,
figure, hands, to the face, yoga, exercise,
Watertight, pose the body, pulling,
tightening the figure, trim, Yoga and exercise.
Internal organs, exercised through the active, or. However, overall, blood flow, but the flow, because of the unwell, avoid, KUDASAI. Feet, together, face up, and hands, because of the side, every second, Breath, spit, Masu. Breath, while feeding the floor and 90 degrees, so that their feet to the increase. Faith, exercise, and, to OSHIRI, up, feet, Face, close,. Lips, power and full thrust, out of five to six seconds, keep the ball. Upper lip, nose, together, feeling it. Feet, toes to the head from a distance, divorce, I push off. 's Chin, pulling the shoulder of the power, cut, Masu. Still, face, exercise,. Lips, rounded, inclusive, Masu. Dan would line the stretch, feeling it. Here, some of the face, build, with a touch of the strenuous travel. Face of the 57 different kinds of muscles, but there is a baseless, narrow, area, during the HARIMEGURASA in the world. These, muscles, muscle and look good in your mind, state and the emotional and closely, It involved, laughing or crying or frown, and, Complex and subtle facial expression, speech, or. Muscle of expression for years, used, depending on how it is different, you're the them. For example, always have a smile, that the people who would laugh and tendency, with the Natural, smile, making the viewer, mental, NAGOMA them, for me. Conversely, always angry, just a person who has a tendency to anger, until, I Angry, but not angrily, and, as expected, it, also, Yes. The meaning and face the people's life, resume. Used, as soon as the face, the whole of the atmosphere, been and done, worse, change, Could. The muscles of facial expression, because the muscles in the same way, use them, gradually, Decline in the collection and the elasticity, lost in the future. Stress and bad living habits, and thus, damage to the susceptible. That the result of the sagging, wrinkling, face the line, change, and, In the open, not. Well, all right.

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